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Essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions

Essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions

essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions

We have the solutions to your Academic problems. At we have a team of MA and PhD qualified experts working tirelessly to provide Essay On Environmental Problems Causes Effects And Solutions Ielts high quality customized writing solutions to all your Essay On Environmental Problems Causes Effects And Solutions Ielts assignments including essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations, /10() questions on whether the problem is caused by human activities or it’s just a part of nature’s cycle. This paper discusses and compares the factors that contribute to climate change by humans and nature, some effects of climate change, and some solutions that have been developed to prevent or slow climate change from progressing. Climate ChangeCited by: 1 Essay on Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solution. Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. It has a hazardous effect on the natural world and on the activities of living beings. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light pollution

Environmental Problems And Its Solutions, Essay Sample

The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems. What are the underlying causes? Who is responsible to combat this? Over the last few decades, it is an irrefutable point that the environment is exposed to many dangers. These dangers are tremendously progressed due to advanced processes which caused myriad issues. In this essay, I will discuss the causes that essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions harming the environment and I will determine who should struggle against them.

To begin with, there are many behave and reasons in the environment which cause inevitable consequences such as pollution.

First and foremost, the factories which essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions producing black smokes are the very effective reason, they make no efforts to minimize the pollution. In addition, the vital and common issue is greenhouses emissions.

Moreover, there are not enough studies in this field. At last but not least, the garbage is being burned commonly causing serious consequences. Further reinforcing, many sides share the responsibility with different percentages. Firstly, the governments are the first responsible party since they have the ability to stop these behave legally. Also, the individuals who share in climate change causes.

For instance, the owners of greenhouses. Furthermore, the scientists and researchers, because they have not used their skills to enrich this vital issue with solutions. Thus, In conclusion, we can say that it is our responsibility to protect our environment and to save our mother earth from being deteriorated.

Essay topics for PTE:. There is no denying that our mother earth is in danger and this is something that each one of us knows. The occurrence of natural calamities like Tsunami has increased multifold in the past decade inviting experts views to outline the underlying causes of this problem and what can be done to combat this.

The foremost reason that poses the serious threat to our environment is the harmful gases present in the air. In the past decade, the uncontrolled use of automobiles has increased multifold which in turn emits harmful gases like Carbon monoxide. The electronic appliances of our daily use like air conditioners and refrigerators also contaminate air by the discharge of harmful substances. The diverse effect of these gases leads to air pollution and global warming.

Deforestation is another major cause. The human population is increasing at a fast rate and to meet their daily consumption forests and trees are being cut down. Be it for home or fuel, the man is causing great loss to the environment. Other known causes are the depletion of natural resources like water, fuel, and food. The over-consumption of resources by the humans and improper waste disposal have resulted in increasing volumes of solid and hazardous wastes that pose major threats to the environments.

It is mainly due to human activities that the planet has reached unsustainable levels and now it is our duty and responsibility to lower the loss that has been already done to nature.

Every individual could play a significant role to combat this problem. Instead of plastic, we can make use of Eco-friendly substitutes that are readily available everywhere. For example: Use paper and cloth bags for shopping. The government of every country should implement strict laws for industries that inhibit the release of the toxic wastes and proper waste management. The awareness programs should be organized to encouraging citizens to use more of public transport and plant trees in their neighborhood.

The less use of private vehicles will substantially reduce the emission of fossil fuels thereby playing a vital role in addressing this issue. At the end, I can say that it is the responsibility of each one of us to do our bit for the environment.

I also think that overfishing in oceans can cause adverse effects on marine life that could also cause a threat on our environment. For example , it can cause an imbalance which erodes the foodweb causing death of some marine life or starving.

Overfishing can also alter the size of the remaining fish and the rate at which they reproduce. Hence ,a solution here is to educate the public on effects of overfishing. would you please give me a geniuos idea that can all people or companies use to reduce greenhouse gases like a project for example. To begin with, there are many behaves and reasons in the environment which cause inevitable consequences such as pollution.

First and foremost, the factories which are producing black smokes are very effective reason, they make no efforts to minimize the pollution. In addition, the vital and common issue is green houses emissions. Moreover, there are no enough studies in this field. Firstly, the governments are the first responsible party since they have the ability to stop these behaves legally.

For instance, the owners of green houses. Consider adding an article. Consider replacing the phrase with a simpler alternative. Consider replacing it. A healthy and pure environment plays a vital role in the health of living beings and trees. In the modern era, we all know that there is a serious problem posing to the earth causing damage to the environment, essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions.

Environmental damage can also cause problem to our ecosystem. There are several reasons causing damage to the environment. Firstly, booming of the automobile industry. More use of vehicle creates pollution in the environment and emits carbon monoxide which is perilous to the atmosphere.

Secondly, in some parts of rural areas, there are meager amount of toilets in under developed countries, essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions.

So people tend to use roads creating air pollution. Also, improper waste management and disposal of waste pose serious threats to the environment. Thirdly, deforestation leads to harm environment. Forests and trees are being cut down due to increase in demand of urbanization and industrialization. Factories in commercial areas emit harmful gases into the environment causing serious health problems to the nearby residents.

This has also caused a great loss to nature. Moreover, natural resources are being utilized essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions without thinking about the future generation. To combat this problem, we as a society should take necessary steps.

We should take care of our transportation essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions. If, in a family, there are 5 members having their own vehicles, should use vehicles as necessary instead of all travelling in their own vehicles, moreover, we should put more emphasis on public transportation.

In addition, the government should implement strict laws for industries that emit waste and encourage proper waste management. Facilities of toilets should be provided in all the areas. Also, products made from trees should be banned by the government. It is an irrefutable fact that in this contemporary world, environment we live in is in danger due to various aspects, which could be done by public or natural climate aspects, essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions.

In this scenario, this essay will examine the problems and give appropriate solutions to rubric. There are various aspects which could be giving reasons to environmental damage.

First and foremost, over usage of vehicles by public could be a noteworthy point to be considered, essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions.

It is generally seen that most of the public are using their individual vehicles, which are produce harmful gases to environment. Despite having lot of problems behind environmental damages, there are some readily available solutions, which could not be neglect without careful consideration.

Firstly, Government should create awareness to public is a significant factor to be considered. In addition, government need to strict the rules could be another substantiate factor to be support aforementioned cope.

In the end, indeed, there are lot of reasons behind environmental damages; however, government should take the responsibility to mitigate the problems with environmental damage.

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Liked our Article, Share it:. You may also like. Could you please rate my response Over the last few decades, it is an irrefutable point that the environment is exposed to many dangers.

Dear Author, please review and comment A healthy and pure environment plays a vital role in the health of living beings and trees. Also, products made from trees should be banned by the government Thus, In conclusion, we can say that it is our responsibility to protect our environment and to save our mother earth from being deteriorated.

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Causes and Effects of Climate Change - National Geographic

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Environmental Problems And Solutions Essay - Environment Is In Danger

essay on environmental problems causes effects and solutions

There are many environment problems in the contemporary world that jeopardize the normal health of both animals and human beings. Some of these issues are air pollution, global warming, hazardous waste, ozone depletion, smog, and water pollution that are not only local problems but also international issues. Notably, water pollution is one of the world's biggest problems on earth since it directly and Essay on Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solution. Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. It has a hazardous effect on the natural world and on the activities of living beings. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light pollution Causes Effects Environmental Problems On Solutions And Essay. Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the natural environment on the individual, organizational or governmental levels, for the benefit of both the environment and humans

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