· Let’s apply Toulmin’s model to the following example argument: Video games should be banned to protect their harmful impact on youngster's health and studies. Claim (Conclusion) Video games are negatively affecting youngster's health, and studies. Ground (Proof, data, fact) Restricting video games may protect children from video game addiction · The Toulmin model essay is such an approach that is designed to help you structure your work. But if you’ve never done one before, you may be at wits end not even knowing where to begin. So we’ve put together this handy guide to help you go through the motions of putting together a Toulmin essay outline that will be on target and work to get you a good grade · An example of the Toulmin method structure: Claim: The street is safely guarded in the night. Grounds: There are police officers that go through the street every hour from 8 PM to 6 AM. Warrant: The main function of a police officer’s job is to guard and keep a place safe through the enforcement of the law
Examples Of Toulmin Model Argument Essay - Words
Indeed, Christians believe that God created all of the heavens and the earth, toulmin model essay example. As such, what burdens this places on Christians when it comes to the same is a valid question. That question shall be answered using the Toulmin model argument and shall be inclusive of a number of references that support the differing viewpoints, angles and prisms through which this issue is looked at.
As this report goes on, the Toulmin model will be detailed step-by-step along with an answer to each piece as the report goes along. The claim, of course, is that Christians should be protectors and stewards of the environment rather than be indifferent or even intentionally abusive towards it, at least to the extent that they can personally control and regulate what is around them Merritt, The amount of dedication should be reasonable yet not too over the top.
Of course, the definition of "reasonable" will tend to mean different things to different people DeWitt, Even so, the author of this report believes that not many would claim that it is acceptable for a self-professed Christian to treat the toulmin model essay example as their own perpetual dumpster and resource to be used and abused rather than treasured and protected. As noted in the introduction, the grounds for this argument is based on the fact that God created the planets and the Earth, as dictated and explained in the Bible Merritt, toulmin model essay example, However, one could take that argument a bit further.
Even without focusing on who created the Earth and how it was created, it is indeed unseemly and improper for someone to just discard a used-up bottle when one is done with it, toulmin model essay example. To be sure, people that do that lead to the appearance of an area being unkempt and non-respected. For example, if a person goes to a park, the general expectation and norm with a lot of people in general, and not just Christians, is that the park should be at least as clean as it was if not cleaner than when one arrived at the park.
For example, any litter, trash or other mess created during the time at the park should be cleaned up and dealt with. When the people depart, toulmin model essay example, it should not be obvious that someone was just there. Further, it should be held true by Christians and non-Christians alike that if one creates a mess, they should also be the one to clean it up. There are also less obvious examples like cigarette butts being flung out of windows and that does not even account for the fire hazardtoulmin model essay example, not bussing one's own table at a restaurant that is not full-service and so forth.
In shortthe Christian mindset is often, toulmin model essay example, and should be, to be mindful of the messes that are made and the impact on the environment as opposed to being ambivalent or neglectful. Some Christians will go beyond that and will clean up the messes of others including litter on the side of the road, a stray cup blowing in the wind toulmin model essay example so on. Some litter is unintentional but there are many people, Christians and non-Christians alike, who are not environmental stewards Borba, The principle or provision, the next part of the Toulmin model, is that the planet is something that should be protected, revered and kept up rather than being treated poorly.
When looking at it from the Christian perspective in toulmin model essay example, there is the concept that we are a mere blip when it comes to how long we are on the planet versus how old the planet currently is and how much longer it will exist.
Christians, toulmin model essay example, of course, do believe that there will be a Second Coming and that there will be However, Christians do not know when that day is coming as God himself has said that we will not know when it is coming.
As such, Christians need to recognize that the planet has persisted for millions and billions of years before they existed and that shall persist, at least for a time, after they are gone Old Earth, The sentences just mentioned are a lot of the backing and support for the concept that Christians should revere and care for the planet and implore others to do the same. Indeed, the talk of how God created the Earth is in the first part of Genesis.
The references in the Bible that relate to taking care of the environment come early and often and are impossible to miss. For example, Genesis says "the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work and keep it" Open Bible, When it comes to animalsGod had said that human would have dominion over the animals but limits are placed on this.
One example is Deuteronomy where it says that toulmin model essay example up a mother bird that is tending eggs is wrong and immoral Open Bible, Further, God himself put the Earth on a high pedestal. For example, one of the stated reasons for the Sabbath, the day of rest, is to allow the Earth to "rest" Does God Exist, Despite the totality of the evidence that is just sampled above, rather than toulmin model essay example complete, there is always a rebuttal and a counter-argument to all questions like this.
For example, some people take the preservation of the Earth very seriously and others still hold it in a god -like reverence like Wiccans and such. Many would say that this is an example of a false idol and thus an example of how not to live and believe, toulmin model essay example. Wiccans in particular could be referred to in this way because they "have great reverence for the Earth and for their Goddess and toulmin model essay example consort, the horned God" Religious Tolerance, For those that know the Bible, this is a pretty clear-cut case of "being against God.
When it comes to the broader question of this report, the basic premise is that revering the Earth, in and of itself, is not wrong. Further, no sane person would probably make the argument that treating the Earth like a dumpster is ever alright, toulmin model essay example. However, the motives and lengths to which the Earth revered can be taken too far, can be done for the wrong reasons and is not always the right way to live Bible Hub, Finally, toulmin model essay example, we come to the qualification part of the Toulmin model and the latter part of the paragraph basically sums that up.
The overall Christian mindset asserts that the Earth should be revered but one should also keep in mind that the Earth and our bodies are a vessel and our current living situation is a very small part of a wider existence and an eternity of time.
As such, getting too caught up with the planet and its conditions or trappings is less than wise. In short, there needs to be a healthy balance rather than extremism or a general love affair with life on this planet.
After all, there is the argument that one cannot take their riches and other Earthly possessions with them. The Bible supports this argument as well. It is said in black and white in 1st Timothy when it says "For we brought nothing into the worldand we can take nothing form it" Bible Hub, Conclusion If there is a lesson to be learned from toulmin model essay example overall argument made in this report, it is that anything can be taken to extremes.
Again, reverence and respect for the Earth and condition is indeed a Christian belief but it has be tempered and moderated with a concurrent remembrance that the Earth is not forever and we are only here for so long, toulmin model essay example. Beyond that, a person can only be responsible for their own actions and what happens around them.
Going beyond those constraints will lead to conflict and other problems. In short, being an environmental steward is a very Christian idea but there are limits to all concepts like that, even those that relate to God. References Bible Hub. Matthew "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. htm Bible Hub. htm Borba,…. htm Borba, A. Christians and the Environment: Toulmin model essay example Should Christians Think about the Environment?
Christian Research Institute. In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus spent his latter days healing and caring for the sick, dying, and possessed. This should be the way that all Christians act and taking care of the environment for the sake of the poor and needy as well as all living organisms.
Regarding the faith and teaching of the Christian Bible, Christians play a vital role in the maintenance of the Earth. Specific Supports: Chang uses a few statistics as specific support such as by stating that "half of all Asian-Americans intermarry," and that Asian-Americans have the highest median income toulmin model essay example all ethnic groups in the United States including Caucasians p.
Supports are both factual and opinionated. Warrants: Warrants include the following, toulmin model essay example.
First, race exists. Chang claims that American culture is race-conscious even if race does not exist scientifically, toulmin model essay example. Toulmin Model Argument About the Environment God has obviously put the human beings in toulmin model essay example status of having full responsibility over the establishment. In bible in the section called Genesis mentions "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his toulmin model essay example which he had made, toulmin model essay example.
He then goes on to give examples and states that almost all of the great executives he has worked with throughout his business career used swear words. Lochhead also mentioned that a study conducted in found that teamwork can be inspired through swearing. He illustrates these findings by sharing a personal story. He was giving a speech to over 1, salespeople and the crowd roared with approval. The Women's Movement and the Right to Vote in England Who Led the Suffragettes in England in the 20th Century Introduction After release from prison for militant suffragette activities breaking windows, burning buildingsChristabel Pankhurst gave England to know that she was in no way mollified or subdued.
Her recording of a speech asserting that now is the time for women to have the right to vote was made and disseminated and will. Zoo Animals Human beings have kept animals in zoos for centuries, but only relatively recently have the ethical considerations of this practice been widely considered.
At one extreme are those individuals and organizations that see no problem keeping animals in zoos and other attractions, in keeping with the long history of animal confinement in the service of human entertainment, and at the other extreme are those individuals and groups arguing that.
Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Download this Essay in word format. Excerpt from Essay : ¶ … moral and other imperatives that Christians have when it comes to toulmin model essay example environment. Read Full Essay. Toulmin Model Argument: What Specific Words: Length: 4 Pages Topic: Mythology - Religion Paper : Toulmin Argument Claim: For Minorities Words: Length: 2 Pages Topic: Race Paper : Environment Instructions Words: Length: 7 Pages Topic: Mythology - Religion Paper : Praise of Cussing: Argument Analysis Toulmin model essay example Length: 2 Pages Topic: Black Studies - Philosophy Paper : Deeds Not Words: Emotional Appeals and Argumentation Theory in the Words: Length: 11 Pages Topic: Women Paper : Argument for in Favor of Keeping Animals in Zoos Words: Length: 9 Pages Topic: Animals Paper :
106. The Toulmin Method of Argumentation - THUNK
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· Let’s apply Toulmin’s model to the following example argument: Video games should be banned to protect their harmful impact on youngster's health and studies. Claim (Conclusion) Video games are negatively affecting youngster's health, and studies. Ground (Proof, data, fact) Restricting video games may protect children from video game addiction Toulmin Model Example Essay Claim. Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and the United States Department of Health and Human Services Warrant. There are thousands of studies that have shown time and time again, regardless of the population For example: We can also add these components to our academic paper example: Note that, in addition to Stephen Toulmin’s Uses of Argument, students and instructors may find it useful to consult the article “Using Toulmin’s Model of Argumentation” by Joan Karbach for more information
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