Teakolya Gibson May 29, MS Civil Rights DBQ Essay The civil rights movement was a time period that can be defined as a large popular movement to secure for African Americans equal access to and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of U.S. citizenship During the s notable achievements were made including the passage of a Civil rights Act in that outlawed any form of discrimination towards people of a different “race, color or national origin in employment practices and public accommodations”; in , the voting rights of African Americans were restored following the passage of the Voting Rights Act ; in the same year, the Immigration Black Civil Rights and Feminist Rights Essay. Words4 Pages. During the twentieth century, both the Civil Rights and the Women’s Rights movements had a comparable ambition in mind. They both wanted to gain the rights and opportunities that others had. In this research paper my goal is to compare and contrast both movements and how they
African American Civil Rights - Short Essay - blogger.com
In this paper I will discuss how my own life could have been different had it not been for the civil rights movements that happened in the s. Secondly, I will show how the same event influenced my choice of career path, and finally, I will describe how the world could have been different had it not been for the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement commonly referred to as African American civil rights movements describes the social movements that took place in the United States to end discrimination against black people and restore their right to vote Farber, blacks civil rights essay, The majority of the campaigns begun in and were characterized by civil disobedience.
The act allowed immigrants from other regions of the world, other than the traditional Europe to enter the United States Goluboff, The achievements that were made following the civil rights movements inspired young people across the country and saw African Americans re-entering politics in the Southern States Goluboff, My life could have been significantly different had it not been for these legislative achievements that followed the civil rights movement.
The civil rights Act of basically banned segregation in the US. I honestly believe that the peace and cultural diversity that we currently enjoyed in the US is as a result of the legislative changes that followed the civil rights movement. Had it not been for this changes I could blacks civil rights essay be living in a segregated society that is full of mistrust, violence and other social ills.
Notably, the civil rights movements did not only ensure equal rights for African Americans but also other minority groups such as Latinos and Asian Americans. In addition, the movements opened the eyes of the majority of the Americans thereby effectively transforming their blacks civil rights essay. Had it not been for the civil rights movement I could now be part of a conservative society that basically trusts the government on everything.
America could not be enjoying the role model status that it is currently accorded internationally. Through the schooling process I have acquired many friends from different racial backgrounds.
The segregation that was predominant prior to the civil rights movement denied Americans the opportunity to freely mix with people from other races. This implies that had the situation remained the same then I could not be having the freedom to associate with people from other races. Everyone realized the need to pursue the American dream.
Since then, Americans have played leading roles in determining the extent to which the government can indulge in international affairs. Not so long after the civil rights movements, Americans were already urging their government to withdraw troops from Vietnam. African Americans have been politically active since the enactment of the voting rights Act Had it not been for the civil movements, I could now be part of a divided society where politics is an exclusive reserve for one race.
I could never have lived to see a black president leading our country. The Immigration Act allowed immigrant from all over the world to come to America.
This has led to a culturally rich and diverse society that is comparable to none. Therefore without the s civil rights movements I could not be enjoying the benefits of cultural diversity such as foods and festivities. The events that were happening prior to the civil rights movement showed how human beings can subject fellow human beings to discrimination.
Learning about such happenings gave me the desire to take a career path that can enable me to advocate for the rights of others, particularly those who are disadvantaged in the society.
Therefore by selecting a course that offered me a chance to effectively contribute to the society through advocacy, I feel that it will be possible for me to live a fulfilling life that takes into account the needs of others.
The harsh struggles that characterize the American history, including the liberation wars and the civil rights movement have validated my desire to take a course in social sciences and understand how the society functions and how I can be able to assist through advocacy.
The racial conflicts that were taking place in America prior to the civil rights movements were also being witnessed in many parts of the world. Several governments around the world were not keen to protect the rights of their minority citizens, blacks civil rights essay. For instance, majority of European nations had colonies in Africa where their representatives were subjecting Africans to exploitation and brutality.
Other countries such as New Zealand and Australia had no formal laws to protect the rights of the indigenous minority citizens.
Back then, Europe was the only important continent to the US as far good foreign relations were concerned. Many communist states publicly lamented the hypocrisy portrayed by the United States. The civil rights movement gave America the chance to appeal to many countries in the world without severing ties with its traditional allies in Europe.
It has also been on the forefront in urging other countries to enact appropriate legislations that are needed to protect the rights of minority groups. The effects of the civil blacks civil rights essay movements played a role in the development of good relationships between the US and other regions whose descendants were initially being racially abused in the US. These regions include South America, Africa and Asia. The good relations have in turn created a platform for globalization.
Therefore without the laws that followed the civil rights movement globalization activities such as international trade could not have been developed to the current level. In addition, blacks civil rights essay, the US could not have gotten the voice to call for change in other countries, and thus most countries could still have been in chaotic states.
This paper sought to describe how the scenario could have been without the civil rights movement. It has established that the freedom and diversity currently enjoyed by Americans today could have been a pipe dream. The effects of the civil rights movements also played a role in globalization. Beito, D. Black Maverick: T. Illinois: University of Illinois press. Farber, blacks civil rights essay, D. The Age of Great Dreams: America in the s. New York: Hill and Wang.
Goluboff, blacks civil rights essay, R. The Lost Promise of Civil Rights. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Harrison, blacks civil rights essay, B. Power and Soceity: An introduction to social Sciences.
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, time: 5:41Essays on Civil Rights. Essay topics and examples of research paper about Civil Rights
Teakolya Gibson May 29, MS Civil Rights DBQ Essay The civil rights movement was a time period that can be defined as a large popular movement to secure for African Americans equal access to and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of U.S. citizenship Analyze the changes that occurred during the 's in the goals, strategies, and support of the movement for African American civil rights. Document A: Source: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) statement of purpose, April We affirm the philosophical or religious ideal of nonviolence as the foundation of our purpose, the presupposition of our faith, and the manner of our For nearly two centuries blacks had little to no civil liberties whatsoever. In a country that was founded and declared by our founding fathers as a nation “ for the people, by the people, and of the people” African Americans were not even considered as fellow citizens. A century of slavery and half a century of Jim Crows segregation laws, the African American people were finally victorious when the civil rights Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
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